About Us

Learn more about The Beginning...

Our team brings diverse interests and expertise to provide comprehensive support for individuals facing various challenges. We are well-equipped to assist with a wide array of issues, including but not limited to:

What Can We Help With?

Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety can manifest in various ways, including excessive worry, racing thoughts, irrational fears, sleep disturbances, rapid heart rate, irritability, sweating, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.

Depression & Mood Disorders

Depression can manifest in various ways, including persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite or sleep, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness.

ADHD & Neurodiversity

ADHD and neurodiversity encompass a range of cognitive styles and behaviours, such as difficulty with attention and organization, impulsivity, and emotional regulation. These traits reflect a different way of processing information and interacting with the world.

Self-esteem & Self-sabatoge

Low self-esteem and self-sabotage can manifest in various ways, including negative self-talk, fear of failure, procrastination, and reluctance to pursue goals. These patterns can significantly impact your confidence and success.

Perfectionism & People-pleasing

Perfectionism and people-pleasing often involve setting excessively high standards for oneself, seeking constant approval, and struggling with self-criticism. These patterns can lead to stress and difficulty in setting healthy boundaries.

Chronic Illness

Chronic illness involves ongoing health conditions that can affect various aspects of life, from managing symptoms and treatment routines to daily activities. Many individuals with chronic illnesses face the added challenge of being gaslit or abandoned by the healthcare system, feeling dismissed or misunderstood.

Work Stress & Burnout

Work stress and burnout can manifest as chronic exhaustion, detachment, and diminished performance. These conditions often arise from excessive demands, lack of support, or unmanageable workloads.

Sports Performance

The pressure of sports performance can lead to intense stress, self-doubt, and burnout. Athletes often face high expectations, both from themselves and others, which can impact mental and emotional well-being.

Navigating Identity

Navigating identity can involve various aspects such as questioning personal values, exploring gender identity and sexual orientation, dealing with societal expectations, and understanding your role in different contexts. This journey can bring up feelings of confusion, self-doubt, and a search for belonging.

The Process


I'll provide you with intake forms to complete, where you can share your struggles and goals. This will help us begin our journey together.


Up to 60 minutes

We'll meet in person or virtually, where your needs will be assessed, treatment recommendations will be provided, and I’ll answer any questions you might have.

Phase 1

Phase 2


50 minutes

We’ll dig into what’s holding you back, develop a clear plan to move you forward, and you’ll walk away with immediate action steps aimed at helping you feel better.


50 minute sessions

Based on your needs, we’ll meet weekly or biweekly. You’ll learn strategies to improve your mood, relationships, performance, and health.


Periodically, we’ll review your treatment plan during session and assess where you’re at in meeting your goals. We’ll tweak things as needed to further improve your mood, performance, and overall well-being.

Phase 3

Our Mission

At the beginning, we are dedicated to navigating life's transitions and challenges alongside our clients, empowering them to lead lives of meaning and authenticity. Our mission is to provide steadfast support as individuals embark on their unique journeys toward personal growth and fulfillment.